Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Dance

This past week I posted my last story that I had in reserve.  I tend to get a flood of stories in my head and then nothing.  I have learned that when it flows it is better to roll with it and write all the stories I can because when it is dry it is dry.  All week I have been racking my brain to remember some kind of a story.  Tonight, as I was soaking in the bath, I started to struggling with what to write again.  I am trying to relax but the dang winds are so bad they are rattling the Hardy Board on the side of the house.  Strong winds and no rain are a mountain resident's worst enemy.   Then it hits me....

I can not tell you how long it has been since we have had rain.  Days would be an understatement more like months and months.  I remember a few years ago we had a pretty good dry spell too.  A handful of us gals 'decided' to try a rain dance.  We 'decided' on a designated time, we 'decided' to do it in our own back yards and we 'decided' to do it naked!.  WHY??? I don't know but that was the deal.  You had to follow these decisions to the T or don't do the dance at all.  We were convinced it would only work if we all did it and followed the criteria to the letter.  The dance was not choreographed nor rehearsed.  You might say we 'decided' (there is that word again) to do an interpretative dance.  I remember thinking, "What the heck am I DOING?", while I was stomping my feet, throwing my hands in the air, having normally covered places now exposed and wiggling in the wind, my arms waving  and chanting, "Come on, come on and make it rain!", over and over and over again.  I felt so foolish.  My dogs thought I had lost my mind but they liked it.  They were running in circles chasing each other in the dark of night and barking up a storm.  Thank goodness my neighbors were gone.  The whole time I was wondering if everybody else was doing it or if any moment they were going to jump out and punk me.  The one thing we did not 'decide' was how long we were to do this naked rain dance. After what felt like LONG ENOUGH, I grabbed my robe and ran inside, dogs in tow.  A few days later the rain came.  It rained and rained.  It rained so much that parts of the mountain flooded.  In fact, I had a rather large stream running through my front yard.  Parts of the highway had to be closed because of the run off.  It was strange to say the least.  That following winter was a good snowy winter as well.  I would have to say that the nude rain danced worked.

Now here we are again.  No rain in sight and nothing on the radar.  One of the original organizers called the other night and stated we need another rain dance.  Same rules as last time...and to be followed to the T or it just won't work.  Last night at 9:00 p.m. I tipped toed out the back door. My dogs were not invited this year because my neighbors were here most of the week and I was not sure if they had left yet.  I preferred no one witness this crazy woman trying to do her part for all her forest neighbors.  Nine o'clock struck and I began to dance as before.  Right as I started, I heard a noise behind me.  I could not see a thing because my eyes had not had a chance to adjust to the dark.  All I could think of was a coyote or bear or some other kind of wild animal breathing on my bare legs!  I stood there frozen, naked and night blinded.  I gave myself a minute to adjust and turned slowly.  My dogs!  My dogs had slipped out through the dog door and were waiting for their dance invitation, which I was happy to give after I made sure my neighbors were gone.  Those little happy brown eyes and wagging tails were just so cute I just could not refuse them.  We started slowly then worked our way up to a full fledged rain dance!  The dogs were in heaven running in circles and barking.  We were having a pretty good time.  It felt oddly freeing and if it paid off like last time very rewarding.  I felt no embarrassment in the cloak of darkness and no one else was around... until look up to see my husband's shadow moving toward the window.  Oh no, he is going to think I have lost my mind again.  He knew that us girls were going to do a rain dance but he had no idea that we were doing it naked.  In all our dancing fun, the dogs and I had worked our way out further in the yard than I had planned.  I had not noticed that until I had to race for my robe by the door.  I had to get to it before he turned ON the Porch Light!  I believe my dogs 'decided' this was a race to end all races. Mutt must have felt I was winning because she moved her body right in front of mine and over I went.  Ouch. I had to have bounced because I was on my feet in a split second and in full stride.  WHAT WAS I THINKING?  Finally I get to my robe, compose myself, pulled the sticks out of my hair and walked in as if nothing happened.  As I walked in, husband asked, "Did you do your dance at 9:00?"  "Yes", I said then went to wash my wounds.  While tending to my skint knees I 'decided' to pass on next years dance.  I will leave that to the younger braver ones.

Hopefully our efforts will bring the rain again this year.  If and when the rain does come, you must come in to check out our newest merchandise.  We are now carrying Galleria Umbrellas.  They are the best quality umbrellas I have used.  Galleria umbrellas have been featured in Women's Day, Redbook and Better Homes and Garden.  Please come in to check them out because, if this works like last time, your going to need one.

We have about 8 different designs.  Here are a couple of examples.  They come in sticks and fold-able styles.

 Until next time,

Ruth Lane
The Bird House

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